By Peter Melamed, L.Ac, RN, Ph.D., MD (USSR)
I want to fill in the gap between the first symptoms of coronavirus, and someone who has to be on a respirator in an overly packed hospital surrounded by fellow coronavirus victims.
As a doctor, I have many years of experience, and 15 of those years were specifically dedicated to working in the ICU and also as a pulmonary disease consultant. I also have decades of experience using holistic approaches to health. For some of you, this information can help your health and possibly save your life.
Media, the Internet, word of mouth, and social media can sometimes seem sensational—focusing on the deaths of the coronavirus and reporting on only the bleak, eye-catching part of this historical time. I am not minimalizing the need to take the coronavirus seriously, far from it. But causing people to panic nationwide and shop frantically and hoard toilet paper are not helping us as a whole.
The goal of this article is to explain that if your coronavirus (COVID-19) test is positive, or you have the first symptoms of fever, dry cough, or muscle pain, you have to do everything to keep yourself healthy as much as you can to avoid going to the hospital and ending up in the ICU, being put on a ventilator and suffering a possibly tragic outcome.
What people need right now are facts on how to survive.
Medical statistics from China and Italy shows that 80% of people who caught the coronavirus have mild or no symptoms, 15% are symptomatic, 5% need intensive care. Some epidemiologists presume that the numbers of individuals with mild disease or no symptoms are much higher.
A doctor from Italy stated that 75% of his patients with positive tests for coronavirus did not have overt symptoms. [1] It’s all about immunity.
The main reason that people are dying from the coronavirus is because of pneumonia. This can include a severe gripping of both lungs that cause Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS). From medical articles, we know that from the first symptoms of coronavirus to RDS, there are roughly 6-9 days. So, if you experience the first set of symptoms, do NOT go to bed, give up, and wait for your end. You have to act now!
To the point, you need to hydrate, breathe deeply, do activity, have your cough be productive, do steam inhalation, and boost your immune system.
I am going to go into much more detail now about what you need to do during this coronavirus pandemic. Please keep reading! If you show the first set of symptoms, you need to know how the body works to better in order to best help yourself or someone you are sheltering with.
Many of my friends and relatives have told me that this article is too long and has too much medical information. They warned me that nobody would read it. But I don’t think so. With your life at stake or the life of someone you love, people are motivated to read this entire article.
Let me share with you how our respiratory system works, how it defends itself, and how pneumonia is developed. I will keep this part simple and straightforward. The respiratory system consists of the nose, throat, trachea, bronchi, and lung vesicles (alveoli); it is a complex mechanism to fight the virus.
The entire respiratory system is covered by a mucous membrane, which is lined with cells-pneumocytes. Some of them have cilia that move from the inside out. Pneumocytes secrete a lot of mucus. This constantly moving river of mucus takes dust, dead cells, sediment products, and toxins into your throat and then out of you. This process requires two things. First, the airways need to be wet. Second, the airways have to be open.
How do you keep your airways wet?
Excessive hydration. Drinking enough hot fluid is mandatory. It may be hot herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint, ginger, green tea, or hot water with lemon. Hot chicken soup, vegetable soup, compote, and broths can also be useful. I recommend drinking a fresh vegetable blend as well. If your tongue is wet, you are running to the bathroom often, and your cough is getting more productive, then you are doing hydration correctly.
High temperatures, sweating, dry air in a room all require more hydration. To note, some medications that cause “dry mouth” may lead to mucous dryness. In turn, it decreases lung cleansing. Go to website and look for side-effects such as dry mouth, dry cough, and consult with your doctor. Let’s stop here for a significant point. We live in a pharmaceutical world of medicine; therefore, Americans are accustomed to using medications for a “comfortable” treatment plan. How many OTC medications tell you that you won’t cough when you take their medicine, and you can sleep comfortably or work in peace during the day? By suppressing your cough, temperature, congestion, mucous, and muscle pain, we are turning down our natural defense mechanism that our body uses to fight the virus. This goes against Mother Nature and the natural way our body was built to keep us healthy. Every time we go against how our body needs/should respond; we are hurting our health.
What makes our airways narrow or closed? Dry, thick sputum closes the lumen of the bronchi, turning off part of the lung from the breathing process. The lung deflates out. The medical term for this is atelectasis. As a result, pneumonia occurs. There is a biology law: as more lung tissue takes part in the breathing process, more blood supply redirects to the lungs. Better lung microcirculation brings more oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells to fight the coronavirus. On the flip side, atelectasis, the loss of breathing, reduces the blood supply that makes lung tissue vulnerable to harmful viruses.
Now, I am going to give you vital information that only the doctors from the ICU know. Oxygen penetrates into the body through the lung vesicles (alveoli) when they are inflated. The inflation of the alveoli can happen only if inside them, there is a miracle substance called pulmonary surfactant. Its primary function is to reduce the surface tension at the air/liquid interface in the lungs. It consists of a mixture of lipids and proteins, and it contributes to the elastic properties of the lung tissue, preventing the alveoli from collapsing. Regrettably, respiratory viruses cause inflammation that deflates the alveoli and suppresses the pulmonary surfactant, which leads to pneumonia and RDS.
The worst-case scenario in coronavirus COVID-19 is Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS). It is a common finding in chest x-rays and other imaging tests of very sick people. It is a condition where the lung vesicles-alveoli are deflated and filled with inflammation liquid. It reduces or stops the gas exchange.
The standard medical advice given is: “In case of shortness of breath, call your doctor!” Typically, your doctor will send you to the ER. Throughout the entire this article, I will try to give you an idea of how not to have shortness of breath because it can be a symptom of pneumonia. Boosting the immune system, decreasing inflammation, keeping airways open, staying calm, avoiding the pandemic of fear and panic, and being productive to take care of yourselves and your loved persons are the keys to surviving this troubling time.
Are you yawning yet? Are you tired of all of this medical information and terminology? But coronavirus (COVID 19) is not tired, and it can destroy your respiratory system. Let’s see how this happens. The common places where coronavirus enters into the body are the: mouth, throat, and nose, then it captures the trachea and large bronchi. The first symptoms will appear, such as sneezing, sore throat, dry cough, and fever. The first round of the battle between the virus and the human body begins. The virus attacks cells of the mucous membrane, the pneumocytes, and this causes inflammation known as bronchitis. Destroyed cells, products of the inflammation, and mucous accumulate in the bronchi creating dry sputum that helps the virus do its dirty deed. Your body desperately needs help, the cough needs to be productive, and the sputum has to get out of your body.
My recommendations are…
Activity is essential. The advice “be at home and rest” is entirely wrong. If your symptoms are mild or there are no symptoms, you don’t have to be in bed. On the contrary, put your usual clothes on, sit at your desk, walk inside your home, or play with your pet. Human and animal experiments revealed that immobilization leads to pneumonia. If you are okay and the weather is sunny and warm, you can sit outside in the backyard or garden. If you’re able and allowed (following the specific guidelines of your city/state/country), I recommend that you walk in the park, forest, or on the street. These options are better than sitting in a home filled with viruses, microbes, and mold. Coronavirus cannot stand the sun and fresh, dry air.
An upright position is essential for deep breathing, having a productive cough, and preventing pneumonia.
I now show you two pictures–one is from Italy, the other is from China. Take time to let these pictures soak in. Their message can be truly powerful. It may explain why Italy beat China in terms of fatalities/deaths due to coronavirus.

Medical hospital in Italy during COVID-19 pandemic

A medical worker leads an exercise session for COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms at a temporary “shelter hospital” in Wuhan, Hubei province, Feb. 25, 2020.
A cough needs to be productive; sputum has to get out. And this can be done only if the sputum is getting wet. Hydration with hot drinks has to be done. A lot of hot herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, ginger, green tea, hot chicken or vegetable soups, compotes, or just water with lemon create a sweat. Bronchi that are “sweating” help the body to move liquid sputum out.
Another opportunity to help the body to release sputum is steam inhalation. Living in California, where there are many eucalyptus trees, I prefer living leaves. They have very active antimicrobial, anti-mold, and possible antivirus activity. Inhalation with hot mist is a simple procedure that can be done at home. Put the living leaves of eucalyptus, chamomile, peppermint, ginger, birch, or pine into a pot. Add boiling water to the pot so that the pot remains on the hot kitchen stove, and breathe this in for 15 minutes. Be careful not to burn yourself. Someone can help you by doing a percussion massage, shaking your back from the outside to the inside, to the spine.
All efforts should be aimed at ensuring that dry sputum does not collect and does not block the lumen of the bronchi. It can prevent atelectasis and pneumonia. You remember that pneumonia does not suddenly happen in a person–it is a process that takes 6-9 days from when the first symptoms begin. During those crucial 6-9 days, the coronavirus can continuously destroy the cells of the respiratory tract and move down to lung vesicles (alveoli.)
Human beings have the smartest, most complex system of built-in protection. We just need to promote it.
Temperature. A fever is a body temperature that is higher than normal-98.6 F. A fever is a symptom. It is usually a sign that your body is trying to fight the coronavirus infection. Fever also activates your body’s immune system. Fevers aren’t normally dangerous. Increased temperature isn’t even officially considered a fever until it is higher than 100.3оF. [2]
“Should you lower a fever?” Before you reach for a fever-reducing drug, remember that a high temperature needs to be cranked up to really “cook” the virus to death. A cold towel on the head, rubbing the chest, back, and extremities with vodka and drinking plenty of warm water will help you to withstand the high temperatures.
Deep breathing. Keeping airways open and forcing more lung tissue, more alveoli to work, are the keys to avoiding pneumonia. This is vital because, by biology law, the alveoli that are inflated with air have more blood supply and better microcirculation. This means more oxygen, more immune cells, and more nutrients are getting into the lung tissue and thus protecting from harmful viruses. Deep breathing and various breathing exercises cause pulmonary surfactant in the alveoli to be built.
For example, you may use a yoga cleansing breath. Inhale deeply into your belly, through the right nostril. Put the air deeply into the lower lobes of your lungs. As you do this, your abdomen will rise. Exhale by your left nostril, and your abdomen will sink back into your spine. Now inhale deeply into your belly through the left nostril. Exhale by the right nostril. Inhale to the count of five, hold your breath for a moment, then exhale to the count of five. If you can’t breathe through the nose, use your mouth and exhale through half-closed lips. Do 3-5 breathing exercises every hour. Inflating rubber balloons or gloves can also be useful.
The main part of your defense against the coronavirus is your immune system. Being symptomatic or asymptomatic, getting a positive or negative test for coronavirus, being in quarantine or not, being young or old, are not as determined as your immune system. Your immune system is an intricate system that defends you from viruses, bacteria, and parasites. It is essential for your entire health and survival. Healthy immune support is important for your health at all times. However, at this time, as we are facing the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, immune support is even more critical. Many factors influence active immunity.
First of all, what suppresses the immune system? Many negative things can suppress the immune system, but I present the most common reasons here.
Constant Stress. From the ancient time, people knew that wounds of winners heal faster than the wounds of defeated. It means, less stress, better mood improves healing as a part of immune function. The medical experts were frustrated and made a mess of things from the beginning of the epidemic of coronavirus. “We do not have treatment and vaccines.” “Some of us will die.” “Some of us will die because of a shortage of ventilators.” For prevention just keep social distance and hand-washing. Everyone has to wear a mask. Later, the facial mask provides no more protection than nothing at all. [3]
“Stay at home and rest” is the worst advice for immune system health. In the time of coronavirus, as pressure increases, the focus is on ventilators as a last resort for surviving.
No wonder that we have a number of anxious, depressed individuals with a low immune system. The simple recommendation is to turn off the TV or watch comedies instead. Don’t dwell on the coronavirus or the negative aspects. Do home exercises, practice yoga, meditation, or self-hypnosis. [4]
Sugar and processed foods suppress the immune system. Our society today lives quite differently than how it did in the past. One of the most profound changes to humans is the change in how and what we eat. Our diet has been gaining attention as a potential contributor to the increase in immune-mediated diseases. [5, 6, 7]
There’s no doubt that Americans are addicted to sugar. We consume 150 lbs. per person per year. Among the many harms of sugar, the most noticeable is the destruction of the immune system. The major part of the immune system is the white blood cells–leucocytes. Their function is to locate foreign agents such as microorganisms, dead cells, and others that are in our bodies. Once leucocytes find something alien to the body, the white cells attack it, abolish it and carry it off. Just two tablespoons of refined sugar can cut this function in half.
Sleep Deprivation. Your body needs regular sleep for rest, recovery, and rejuvenation. Consistent sleep deprivation will undoubtedly lead to fatigue, exhaustion, and poor concentration. However, sleep deprivation also causes a high-stress response, decreases the immune system, and increases inflammation. This can lead to higher vulnerability to infections, including the coronavirus. [8, 9]
Stay home and rest. We have heard this one so many times that it warrants being brought up in this article more than once. Currently, Americans spend up to 90% of their lives indoors. Researchers are studying the effects of indoor pollutants as causes that increase the number of chronic diseases in our society. According to the EPA, our internal environment is two to five times more toxic than our external environment. In some cases, indoor air measurements were 100 times more polluted than the outdoors. [10] Being outside also offers the benefit of fresh air, sunlight, and vitamin D, which are exactly what the immune system needs, and are awful for the coronavirus—a win-win situation.
Dysbiosis (Candida-yeast overgrowth.) It is hard to find someone who avoids refined sugar, white flour, processed foods, alcohol, cigarettes, and chlorinated water. Almost everyone from childhood has taken antibiotics, steroids. As children grew up, they took BCP and stomach acid suppressors. Many of these individuals have dysbiosis, which is when their beneficial intestinal bacteria are gone or are severely diminished. In turn, opportunistic infections such as harmful bacteria, Candida-yeast, parasites, and viruses take over the GI tract leading to various health problems. These bad invaders eat our foods, causing a lot of deficiencies and poison our bodies.
Seventy percent of human immune cells are in the GI tract. Therefore, people with dysbiosis typically have problems with their immune system. They suffer from chronic infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis, UTIs, skin impurity, asthma, autoimmune disorders, etc., and take various medications for symptomatic therapy. Restoration of the beneficial intestinal bacteria can be very helpful for proper immunity.
Since Louis Pasteur discovered that microbes cause disease, the efforts of scientists and doctors have been aimed at finding antimicrobials and vaccines.
Concurrently, doctors are also looking for ways to prevent the virus from entering the body. We see now that many people with a robust immune system are not showing any symptoms of the coronavirus. 7/8 out of 10 individuals with positive testing for the coronavirus in Italy did not have any symptoms. Having coronavirus is not a death penalty. [1]
This new data means that most people have a resistance to the COVID-19 virus because their immune system is strong enough to resist the virus. In this article, I explained that in the window of the 6-9 days from the onset of symptoms to full-blown pneumonia, many actions could be taken by you. There are usually some skeptics and some people who will not believe. There are some who think natural remedies are stupid or weird. Some people will give unsolicited, unwarranted advice. I send my readers to reputable references.
Focus on your health and the health of your loved ones. Take control of your health and promote your immune system.
Below, there are various medical modalities, which can support immunity.
Acupuncture. For thousands of years of using acupuncture, doctors made sure that regular acupuncture decreased the cold and flu, coughing, sneezing, muscle pains, and headaches. Many medical papers and my own 40 years of doing acupuncture, support the immune modulation effect of this method. [11, 12, 13]
Suction cups. Suction cups or vacuum therapy is a common method of treatment of lung disorders and other chronic disorders in Europe and Asia. After treatment, there are red skin marks because some blood comes out from small vessels called capillaries, and it releases the very active bio substances that stimulate the immune cells. One hundred years ago, European doctors widely used autohemotherapy when they took blood from a vein and inserted it into intramuscular tissue. Suction cups may work similarly. [14, 15]
Suction cups also detoxify the body and improve the blood supply inside the lungs. Cupping therapy is safe and efficient. During my long-time medical career, I commonly have used cupping therapy for the successful treatment of acute and chronic lung disorders in young children and the elderly. Usually, those who receive cupping note positive results in their clinical picture, blood tests, and X-rays.
Massage therapy, percussion-vibration massage. A growing body of research shows that massage therapy can benefit the immune system. It is especially important in the winter months. Researchers working with patients with compromised immune systems have found that massage therapy can expand how the immune system functions. Massage therapy may also help someone ward off the common cold, flu, and other seasonal illnesses. Massage therapy raises the activity level of white blood cells that work to combat viruses. Using percussion-vibration massage can also improve the blood supply in the lungs and help release thick sputum from the body. [16, 17]
Colon Hydrotherapy. Not too many people realize that most immune problems start from the gastrointestinal tract. Food allergies, asthma, sinusitis, many skin problems, even autoimmune diseases start from the weak and sick digestive tract. In many situations, allergies are closely related to dysbiosis. In my many years of experience, I realized that whole-body cleansing and the restoration of friendly intestinal bacteria are essential to a good immune system. By using a healing diet, colon hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and nutritional supplements, a person can relieve many immune conditions by focusing on the root of the problem. [18]
Having enough good quality beneficial intestinal bacteria is a part of the body’s defense mechanism. Beneficial bacteria, mostly lactobacilli, have the following positive effects on the human body.
They promote proper digestion.
- They produce vitamins, enzymes, and other essential substances.
- They are part of the human immune system.
- They promote normal metabolism.
- They are responsible for a proper mood and hormone balance.
Beneficial bacteria compete with the opportunistic and harmful, disease-causing microorganisms. At Biotherapy Clinic, colon hydrotherapy rooms are sanitized, clean, and pleasant. Everything that is utilized during the session is disposable. Filters from the machines are the same that are used in home clean-water purification systems. [19]
Nutritional Supplementation. For now, we do not have a proven treatment or vaccine against the coronavirus COVID-19. That is why the attention needs to be on supporting the human defense mechanisms, especially the immune system. Many non-pharmaceutical healing approaches such as vitamins, zinc, selenium, herbs, probiotics, enzymes, iodine, etc., have the evidence-based, scientific research, and historical practices of using them to fight off various viral diseases. They are safe and worth trying. The quality and proper amount taken are essential. I will not discuss all the useful vitamins, herbs, and supplements available. I will focus on my own experience using Biotherapy supplements.
If you want to know more about each nutritional supplement, there are go-to references that support my information. I do not give blanket doses, but you may call for a phone consultation to discuss your own situation. Dosing is not a one-size-fits-all type of treatment. Please heed professional advice if you are not sure about what supplements to take, how much to take, or any other questions you may have.
Now, I will present the most used Biotherapy supplements to aid the immune system.
Biotherapy Sunshine D Plus. You may remember that I mentioned above a miraculous substance–surfactant. It prevents alveoli from deflating. This is vital to avoid pneumonia. Scientists are looking for ways on how to increase the production of surfactant inside the lung vesicles. Some of them believe that a sufficient level of vitamin D can help with this. [20, 21, 22]
Taking 10.000 iu of Biotherapy Sunshine D Plus can help to reach 70-100 ng/ml in blood. In my experience, this is the optimal level. [23, 24]
Biotherapy Ester C is five times more potent than pure ascorbic acid. The role of vitamin C in supporting the immune system has long been known and researched. [25]
Additionally, this formula has pycnogenol to enhance both the humoral and cellular immune responses to promote host defense. [26]
Biotherapy Olive Leaf Extract is an immune system booster that has been used medicinally for millenniums in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions. Aside from fighting the common cold and flu, this powerful antioxidant can also help increase energy, lower blood pressure, stabilize blood sugar, and aid in fighting autoimmune disorders. [27]
Biotherapy ImmunoZinc. Zinc, an essential trace element with antioxidant properties, plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy immune system, and it is often used to help battle the common cold. It is better absorbed and utilized, and has an enhanced antioxidant action compared to many other forms of zinc. The positive effects of zinc on bacterial phagocytosis is well documented. The process of phagocytosis often occurs when the cell is trying to destroy something, like a virus or an infected cell. [28, 29]
Biotherapy B 12 Active is the most beneficial methyl form of vitamin B12 and folic acid. Vitamin B12 can decrease pain and inflammation, improve mood, memory, and energy. Active ingredients from Biotherapy B 12 Active are assimilated from the mouth and can be beneficial for the proper functioning of the immune system. [30]
Biotherapy Selenium. Selenium is an essential micronutrient that is important for the immune response. Selenium is required for the proper functioning of the immune system and for the production of substances that reduce inflammation in the body. While selenium may not be the only nutrient that slows or prevents viral damage and mutation, adequate selenium nutrition should be considered as a defense against viral infectious diseases. [31]
Biotherapy Quercetin Bromelain Complex is a unique formula that combines quercetin, bromelain, and a buffered form of vitamin C. A buffered form of vitamin C-magnesium ascorbate is an essential antioxidant that coactively sustains quercetin activity. Bromelain is an enzyme from a pineapple stem that is active and stable in the aggressive milieu of the stomach. It is an accelerator of the immune activity of the white blood cells, especially in regards to respiratory infections. [32, 33]
Biotherapy Damp Water Formula is a unique herbal remedy that safely removes harmful microorganisms from the body and eliminates dangerous toxins. Biotherapy Damp Water Formula may naturally help heal Candida-yeast overgrowth, fight against infections, and help with immune system disorders. Spice herbs from this formula help people survive in aggressive microbial and parasitic environments.
Biotherapy Complete Probiotics Formula contains 25+ billion cells of a high-potency blend of 12 probiotic species. The beneficial intestinal bacteria promote a healthy gut and support the immune system. Lactobacillus plantarum in this formula is the best for immunity. Biotherapy Complete Probiotic Formula is one of the most clinically researched blends of intestinal beneficial, friendly flora in the US. [25]
I hope this article may help the individuals to realize how the coronavirus pneumonia is developed and ways how to avoid it. Primarily, it is important for vulnerable persons and their caregivers. The information on this article is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a qualified licensed professional.
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Climate Change, Indoor Environment and Health
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Peter Melamed, Ph.D. Colon Hydrotherapy is a Safe and Efficient Way to Keep Your Body Healthy.
Peter Melamed, Ph.D. What your doctor will never tell you about colon hydrotherapy.
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Vitamin D Deficiency Reduces the Immune Response, Phagocytosis Rate, and In Killing Rate of infected cells.
Mark Hyman, MD. How to Protect Yourself from COVID-19.
Pycnogenol® Augments Macrophage Phagocytosis and Cytokine Secretion
The Role of Zinc and Zinc Homeostasis in Macrophage Function
Vitamin B12: Could It Be a Promising Immunotherapy?
Quercetin, Inflammation, and Immunity.
Bromelain is an accelerator of phagocytosis, respiratory burst, and killing of Candida Albicans by human white blood cells.