Alcohol is one of the most common reasons for the liver to become inflamed and damaged, and it is the number one cause of liver-related deaths in the US and the most common cause of cirrhosis. Alcohol-induced liver diseases caused almost 25,000 deaths in the United States in 1997, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. One observational study from northern Italy demonstrated prevalence rates of fatty liver in 46.4% of heavy drinkers (>60 g/d of alcohol) and in 94.5% of obese heavy drinkers.
Alcohol abuse is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. It estimated that in the United States as many as 10% of men and 3% of women may suffer from persistent problems related to the use of alcohol. People with alcohol often consume alcohol despite knowing that they suffer from alcohol-related medical problems such as liver disease.
Alcohol affects many organ systems of the body, but perhaps most notably affects the central nervous system and the liver. Almost all ingested alcohol is metabolized in the liver and excessive alcohol use can lead to acute and chronic liver disease.
Symptoms of alcohol-induced liver disorders depend on how much and how long a person has been drinking alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption causes damage to the liver. Development of alcoholic liver disorders depends on how much alcohol has been consumed and over what period of time. 2-3 servings of alcohol daily can cause liver damage. Women are more susceptible to the harmful action of alcohol. 20 grams daily of pure alcohol (1 glass of wine) over a 15-year period can cause alcoholic liver cirrhosis. For men, 60 daily grams (3 glasses of wine) over a 15-year period can cause alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Alcohol-related liver disorders can appear in three forms or in combinations of the three: fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and alcohol cirrhosis.
Fatty liver. Fatty liver is excessive accumulation of fat inside the liver cells. Fatty liver is the most common alcohol-induced liver disorder. The liver is enlarged, causing upper abdominal discomfort on the right side.
Alcoholic hepatitis. Alcoholic hepatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the liver, accompanied by the destruction of individual liver cells and scarring. Symptoms may include fever, jaundice, an enlarged, tender liver, and spider-like veins in the skin. 50% of alcoholics complain of heaviness and pain in the upper part of the abdomen, intolerance to fatty foods, nausea, and bloating after eating greasy foods.
Liver cirrhosis. Alcoholic cirrhosis is the destruction of normal liver tissue, leaving non-functioning scar tissue. Symptoms may include those of alcoholic hepatitis; in addition to accumulation of the fluid in the abdomen cavity, enlarged spleen, kidney failure, confusion, or liver cancer (see liver cirrhosis).
Biotherapy Alternative Medicine of the San Francisco Bay Area provides different programs for people with excessive alcohol consumption, depending on their condition.
- Helping with quitting drinking
- Stopping hard drinking and alcohol binges
- Promoting healing from complication of alcohol over- consumption, such as memory lost, heart problems, legs pain
- Liver cleansing and rejuvenation
- Reverse of alcoholic fatty liver
- Promoting healing from early stages of liver cirrhosis
Biotherapy Alternative Medicine Clinic of the San Francisco Bay Area also offers the following comprehensive healing program for Alcoholic Liver sufferers:
1. Whole Body Cleansing
2. Herbal Medicine
3. Nutritional Supplementation
4. Healing Foods Consultations
5. Karlovy Vary Healing Mineral Water
6. Acupuncture
At the Biotherapy Clinic we have potent, lab tested and well resourced nutritional supplementation programs including: antioxidants, minerals and microelements, herbal medicine, vitamins, amino-acids, essential fatty acids, enzymes, probiotics (friendly intestinal flora) and more. We have a unique combination of these products for different kind of aspects of condition of people with alcoholic liver disorders to customize their needs. Some of our best, time proven supplements to help people with Alcoholic Liver Disorders are:
Development and progression of Alcoholic Liver Disorders depend upon severe alcohol toxicity and acidity in the body. Beside that alcoholics suffer from deficiency of essential minerals. We have remedy for it. The Karlovy Vary Healing Mineral Water made from the Karlovy Vary Mineral Salt decreases the level of inner toxicity of the body, supplies more than 40 vital electrolytes (potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.) and trace elements (zinc, cobalt, iron, chromium, etc), normalizes acid/alkaline balance, and improves the function of the intestines, kidneys, and liver, the most important organs responsible for toxin removal and body waste. For More than 500 years Karlovy Vary Healing Mineral Water has been the most popular in Europe natural approaches to the Hepatitis and other liver disorders. It may naturally help heal many gastrointestinal disorders, alcohol, drug, addictions, and weight management as well. *

Yin Formula is an all natural, unique, safe and highly effective herbal medicine that will relieve the stress.
Yin Formula is an all natural, unique, safe and highly effective herbal medicine that will relieve the stress, insomnia, nervous tension, anxiety, restlessness and irritability. Many of the clinically tested ingredients found in this herbal formula have been shown to alleviate pain, spasms and cramps, maintain mental equilibrium, relax the body and strengthen the nervous and immune systems. It also helps cut the cravings for sugar, coffee, tobacco, and alcohol.
Fatty Liver Kit naturally promotes removal of fat deposits from the liver and improves liver function, especially for individuals with alcohol indulgence. This Kit includes:
Karlovy Vary Thermal Spring Salt
Healthy Start
Biotherapy Milk Thistle
Super Alpha Lipoic Acid
Cleanse and Purify
A copious amount of high-quality European research demonstrates that Karlovy Vary Healing Mineral Water (KVHMW) made from the Karlovy Vary Mineral Salt can help improve liver health. There is compelling evidence that drinking KVHMW can boost the immune system, discourage liver injury, and slow the progression to Cirrhosis. KVHMW has been successfully used to heal alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and related liver ailments for 500 years.
The water is quite reputable in Europe as a healing remedy for Alcoholic Liver Disorders. However, most individuals cannot afford to live or travel to Karlovy Vary resort for the average 1- 6-month healing time frame. Therefore, Karlovy Vary is able to manufacture and distribute a thermal spring salt that produces the identical healing mineral water as the famous resort itself. All that you need to drink Karlovy Vary Healing Mineral Water at home is to dissolve the packet of salt in water.
There are a variety of actions that are extremely beneficial to the liver.
Alcohol abusers usually have too much acidity in the body. KVHMW normalizes acid-alkaline balance in the liver by increasing alkaline capacity of the blood. It can neutralize very toxic acidic products such as acetylaldehyde and ketones that can cause toxic edema of cells.
Acute and chronic alcohol intoxication usually are accompanied by severe depletion of potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese and many others minerals. KVHMW has more then 40 essential minerals and microelements in digested form to replace deficiencies of them.
Alcohol ingestion increases intestinal permeability to toxins. In addition, the intestinal micro flora is severely deranged in alcoholics. Drinking KVHMW promotes better digestion, decreases inner toxicity, and restores friendly intestinal flora.
KVHMW can diminish toxic influence of alcohol on gastro-intestinal mucous membranes, and promote digestion of vital nutrients.
In acute alcohol intoxication, hangover or hard drinking after consumption of alcohol, people can suffer from nausea, vomiting, severe headaches, dizziness, weakness, thirst, and diarrhea. Drinking 1% solution of KVHMW can correct metabolic acidosis, depletion of electrolytes and water and promote elimination of toxins from body. In chronic alcoholic conditions, it will take a few months to obtain the positive results.
We use also our own methods of acupuncture based on more than 25-years of experience of healing liver disorders with Chinese Body, Russian Ear lobe, Japanese Scalp and Korean Hand-Foot styles of acupuncture treatments. Needles, magnets, pressure, and electro stimulation of special points and zones can help to withdrawal from alcohol, alleviate symptoms of Alcoholic Liver Disorders, such as fatigue, abdominal pain, gas, fullness, depression, swelling, pain, skin rashes, and other physical discomforts, and can promote improvement of lab tests.
Herbs, dietary supplements, acupuncture and other remedies can also help alleviate the worst symptoms of Alcoholic Liver Disorders and promote the withdrawal from alcohol. Healing Food Consultation is very important in healing the liver as well. Rigorous medical studies suggest that some of these remedies can also address the underlying disease process, bolster the immune system, retard liver damage, and help your blood-test values to within normal limits.
Whole body cleansing is the most essential ingredient in healing liver disorders. Alcohol and liver inflammation diminishes the ability of liver cells to detoxify the toxins traveling to the liver from the intestines and colon. These toxins pass by the liver and travel to the blood system causing fatigue, depression, and even coma. People with alcoholic liver disorders usually have low immunity levels and cannot to resist developing opportunistic infections such as viruses, microbes, yeast and parasites. This causes additional ways for toxicity that leads to more deterioration of liver cells.
Restoration of friendly intestinal flora is extremely beneficial for people with alcohol abuse. This improves the digestion, immunity, and alleviates inner toxicity.
To obtain the benefits from the Biotherapy Clinic from healing alcoholic liver disorders, one can select from the following options:
- Telephone consultation (415) 409-3939
- Office consultation
- E-mail consultation.
“Healthy Pancreas, Healthy You”. Part 3 by Peter Melamed Phd and Felix Melamed, LAc, MSTCM, CHt. Chapter 40.
Please read more about Biotherapy Outpatient Program for Alcohol Cessation.
Peter Melamed was a medical doctor in Russia. There he took specialized training in anesthesiology, intensive care, and internal medicine. He has 40-years of experience healing liver disorders combining conventional Western medical treatment with herbs, acupuncture, and other non-drug healing therapies. He was a founder and consultant in one of the first Soviet Psych ICU where many hundreds alcoholics were treated. Peter Melamed LAc, RN, PhD is “Hepatitis C Certified Practitioner”. He has received specialized training with: Misha Ruth Cohen, OMD, L.Ac.