

To: Peter Melamed, RN, LAc, PhD       

Address: Biotherapy Clinic                            Biotherapy Clinic

            2215 PostStreet, Suite 1                  52 Arch Street,
Suite 5 San Francisco,CA 94115        Redwood City, CA 94062

         Phone: (415)409-3939                            Phone:



This will introduce my patient,


For the following procedures:


Prostatic Massage    

Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine

Colon  Hydrotherapy 

Medical Hypnosis















Peter Melamed, Lic.Ac., RN, Ph.D.
received his medical education first as a registered nurse and was then
trained as a medical doctor in Russia. Subsequently he took specialized
training in anesthesiology, intensive care, and internal medicine. In 1969,
Peter Melamed, MD was awarded a Ph.D. in medical science. He took further
training in acupuncture, herbal medicine, and internal detoxification at
universities in Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Perm, and Odessa. He was granted a
license to practice acupuncture in Russia in 1978, and from that time he
combined conventional Western medical treatment with herbs, acupuncture, and
other non-drug healing therapies.

After immigrating to the USA in 1991, in order to continue his passion for
assisting people in the healing process Peter Melamed immediately passed the
state examination and was granted the RN license. While working as an RN, he
obtained licenses to practice acupuncture in the state of California and in
New York. He has also been certified by the National Board of Acupuncture.

Peter Melamed succeeded in starting up a private practice in 1996 at
Biotherapy Alternative Medicine Clinic in San Francisco. The clinic
specializes in non-drug, holistic approach for healing stress, prostate
disorders, and difficult cases of chronic disease, as well as pain,
arthritis, immune system disorders, hepatitis C, and preventive medicine.


What is prostatic massage?

Prostatic massage eliminates blockages while encouraging the free flow of
blood and energy.  It has the effect of getting rid of built-up pus, dead
cells, and congested fluid, and it shrinks the gland.


For more information about Peter Melamed, Lac.Ac., RN, PhD, please visit or call (415) 409-3939